A recent study from Minnesota presented to the American Heart Association’s 46th annual conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention (try saying that five times fast) was called S.H.E. S.H.E. stands for strong, healthy and empowered. Personally, I enjoy the definition, but what does S.H.E. mean?
S.H.E. was a two year study conducted in Minnesota and the results suggested that strength training exercises performed just twice a week would reduce the risk for women with regard to cardiovascular disease and other related conditions.
Strength training is about working against resistance. It’s about building muscle and bone strength as well as spreading out abdominal fat. Abdominal fat is one of the worst health risks for any woman. This intra-abdominal fat is not the type that gives you a beer belly, by the way. It’s the type of fat that’s deep inside the abdominal area and it can’t be pinched or measured. It is however more closely related to cardiovascular disease than any other fat in the body.
S.H.E. recommends 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise in conjunction with 30 minutes twice a week devoted to strength training. This is a maintenance level program that helps trim excess fat, tones the body and builds strength, health and a healthy immune system.
When working the muscles of the body, there is an effect across the entire body especially when working large muscle groups. It takes a lot of energy to work those muscle groups and that requires burning fat from all over the body including in the abdomen.
If you’ve never done strength training, you should see a personal trainer or specialized training center like Curves in order to develop a program that not only benefits you, but proves safe as well. Understand there are a lot of women in the same shape and situations we all are. We’re busy women. We have jobs whether in the house or out of the house. We have children (many with children under the age 5) and we have a great deal to do.
While you may find fitting in 30 minutes a day is tough to begin with, it’s a great way to not only get in better shape but to improve every aspect of your life. You’ll have more energy, feel better, look better and ultimately be healthier. That health pays off for everyone in your family. So give it a shot, 30 minutes a day is worth every moment and S.H.E. provides you with strength, health and empowerment. What more can we ask for?