Hey! Hey you! Are your ports open? Don’t know? What’s a port? A computer port is where data comes in and out of your computer. Port scanning has legitimate uses but port scanning can also be dangerous if a malicious individual runs a program that scans your computer looking for a weakened access point to break into your computer. If they break into your computer they really are breaking into your life.
“But I only check my email and the news once in a while!” If that sounds like you, then your exposure to port scanning will be minimal, unless you are like many people the world over and have a constant steady connection to the internet using a cable modem or DSL service. The longer you are connected the more vulnerable you are to a scan.
Some port scanning software claims that it’s possible to scan a small COUNTRY in one night. If you have open ports and especially if you are connected to a constant connection THEY will find you. Don’t freak out yet. Even if you’ve been found out there’s still time to protect yourself. Unfortunately even passwords only slow down these malicious individuals. The password cracking ability out there will slowly and silently pound away until your security is broken. There’s hope and tools, don’t worry!
The first thing you want to do is find out if you have any open ports. Knowledge is power and knowing you are secure is a nice feeling. If you go to the following site you can scan your computer safely and see if you have open and vulnerable ports.
You will want to hit the “Proceed button”. You are then given a few options of what ports you would like to scan. First time users should scan their “File Sharing” and “Common Ports” first. Once those are scanned you can scan “All Service Ports”. If you have a firewall program, either a software package like Zone Alarm or the Windows firewall or a built in firewall as part of your router your ports should be stealthed. And don’t fret if port 113 comes upon the scan as blue and just closed and not stealthed, that’s fairly common.
There is quite a bit of very detailed information on the Shields Up site that can help you protect your computer if you have open ports. Read the information in your custom report and then you will have a better idea of what if anything you need to do to help protect your computer and yourself. Good Luck and many safe journeys on the internet.