Marriage proposals are special anytime of the year and whenever they occur. Receiving a diamond engagement ring from the love of her life is a very exciting and wonderful experience for a woman. Men choose many different times and ways to purpose to their mate. However, should the gift be given as an occasion all in itself or is it okay for the ring to coincide with another special event or holiday?
For example, should men give engagement rings as birthday or Christmas gifts? Should these gifts be given when a special occasion already exists?
I think the answer to this question depends greatly upon the giver and the receiver.
To some women they are simply just excited to receive the ring. The timing, the atmosphere, and the proposal do not matter.
However, some women put a lot of feeling into the actually proposal and when the ring is given.
Of course the advantage for the man of giving an engagement ring as a Christmas gift is that he does not have to buy two gifts, the ring and a Christmas present. Many men see the opportunity to get two birds with one stone.
If a couple has been talking about marriage and looking at rings, the women may expect the ring as a Christmas gift. I think that giving the ring another time of year may be more of a surprise. Even if the ring is given a few days before Christmas or on New Year’s Eve it may come as more of a shock.
No matter when or how a proposal takes place it should be a special moment for both partners. It should be an act form the heart and be sincere. If the two persons truly love each other, the time or how will not matter.
You and Your Ring Til Death do You Part?
Shopping for an Engagement Ring