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Should Christian Families Separate?

The Bible says that Christians are to be “salt” and “light” in the world. This can be simply paraphrased: Christians are supposed to stand out. For instance, if a Christian family blends in perfectly with every other family at the park, there may be a problem.

The Bible says that God’s people are a “peculiar” people. This does not mean “weird” as I have heard said, but it does mean different. The Bible also says that we are to be “sanctified” or, set apart. The idea of being sanctified is wonderful because it not only implies a separation from something (the worldly habit, practice, attitude, etc.) but also a separation to Someone: God. This difference should not only be detected in your family’s appearance (although your family’s appearance should reflect morality) it must also be demonstrated in the countenance of your family.

Do your children obey and respect you? Do they treat each other with love and consideration? These qualities will speak volumes to the people around you about who you are and Whom you serve.

Being separated from the world is not a punishment, it is a blessing. You probably don’t have to look very far to find someone whose life has been ruined by a sinful practice, relationship or decision. God commanding us to be separate from the world is a protection from the damage we will do in our lives if we choose to live like a lost person.

The other major reason for being set apart as a family is so that you can be a testimony to those around you of God’s power and working in your life. If your family makes use of the same clothing styles, entertainment and lifestyle as your unsaved acquaintances how will they know that you have something they need? However, if your neighbors see that your family makes going to church a top priority, dresses morally and delights in clean entertainment, you will stand out to them.

Remember the wonderful promise God gives us in II Corinthians 6:17-18, “Come out from among them, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you, and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters…”

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