Should a parent discipline other people’s children? According to a Parenting/AOL Mom Debate poll, 67% of more than 150,000 respondents said it’s okay to do so.
When I was a kid it was a given that any older adult in our neighborhood would chastise us kids for doing wrong. Not so much today. I think people are generally afraid of possible repercussions. There have been many times when I have wanted to say something to a kid who was doing something they should not have been doing but kept my mouth shut. Kids today are so quick to tell you off and some parents are just as bad. Or worse. I recall years ago when I was visiting with my mother she told me about a girl I grew up with who had just been killed by the parent of a child her child got into an argument with. Now mind you all she did was come outside and stop the argument from escalating and the other parent became irate, went inside, got a gun and shot her.
Now, if the kid is in my care then, yes, I will discipline them verbally but never would I put my hands on someone else’s child. One respondent pointed out some parents have the “how dare you speak to my child?” attitude which in turns makes kids feel like they don’t have to listen to you since you’re not their mother. Another respondent pointed out that she would never spank another person’s child but would say something to them if they were doing something wrong.
Of the 33% of respondents who felt you should not discipline another’s child, one pointed out that in her opinion no one had the right to discipline another person’s child unless that parent has given you the expressed right to do so. Another felt that it’s best to not get involved in other people’s parenting since your values and opinions may not be the same as theirs.
If you have kids frequently at your house sooner or later you will find yourself having to discipline them. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
(1) Stick to house rules, for instance saying “we don’t play ball inside the house” should be sufficient.
(2) If another child or an animal might get hurt it’s time to step in.
(3) Don’t punish, take away possessions or give time-outs .
(4) Never hit or spank, even if you spank your own kids.
What do you think about this whole idea of disciplining other people’s kids?
See also:
The 4Rs of Effective Discipline