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Should You Exercise When You are Sick?

It is the time of year when colds, sinus infections, flu, and illness spread like wildfire.  Every time I talk to someone or check Facebook, I hear of more people sick.  I have been sick a few times this year already.  My sinuses like to war against me when the weather can’t decide which way it wants to go. I had a terrible sinus infection and I am on the verge of another one.  It is the same story for many plus the flu stories I am hearing.  Makes you want to hold your breath when you go in public.

The concern for dieters is missing work out days.  What is the rule for working out when you are sick?  Should you tough it out or take a break?

The answer is not cut and dry.  How sick you are will determine if you should continue your work out routine.  If you have a fever, then you need to take a rest.  It can be dangerous to raise your internal body temperature through exercise while you have a fever.  Obviously, if you have a fever and other symptoms you need to stay out of the gym and off your home treadmill.  If you have a cold and you take medicine and feel better then you can continue as you are able.  Perhaps  you will need to shorten  your routine, walk instead of run, or take a light aerobic class instead of kick boxing.  Be wise and listen to your body.  A few days to rest up and get back to your routine will not throw you back.  Also, consider the other people at the gym.  No one wants to get sick, so keep your germs at home. If you have a cold and still go then please take extra care to clean off any equipment you use.