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Should You Go Back to School?

A question many of us ask ourselves in our careers, would I be able to advance higher in my job if I had more education? Typically, the answers vary on the job and the company. One example is executives who want a MBA. Is it necessary to have a MBA to get ahead in business?

Whatever your field is, the best first step is to start looking for the job you want, before you actually get the degree. Don’t waste your time or money; if you can land the job without the degree, then go for it! See if it is possible by applying. If you discover that you don’t get an interview or are turned down due to lack of education, then you will know that going back to school is worth it.

Another idea is to look at your current employer to see what sort of educational credits they offer. Many companies that do require their employees to obtain certain degrees or licenses for advancement will also pay for part of the tuition. If you are looking for a new job, see if the companies you interview with have this type of program. Also, look for organizations that offer on-the-job learning opportunities as well. If you find a company that will hire you at a lower level with the option for advancement after you obtain your degree that could also be an excellent opportunity.

Once you do decide to pursue the degree, you will have to consider whether you take classes part-time and work full-time or instead drop out of work and complete the educational program on a full-time basis. If your current employer is footing some of the bill, you will obviously need to stay employed there. However, if you are not held to stay in a job, you will want to consider the time savings of quitting work to complete your degree vs. working on it part-time while you are employed.

Related Articles:

*Going Back to School

*Higher Education Can Be a Priority for a Single Parent

*Top Jobs Until 2014