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Should You Include Your Fiancé’s Family in the Wedding

Planning a wedding can be stressful. You have many decisions that have to be made. Some decisions you may have made years ago and planned from the time you were old enough to even dream of a wedding. However, your bridesmaids cannot be planned that far in advance.

Friends change and your life changes. The people that you want to have in your wedding also changes. Depending on the size of your wedding, you may only be able to ask your closest friends or you may be out looking for acquaintances. Either way the possibility of someone getting her feelings hurt is there.

If you have a sister or sisters, everyone will expect you to ask her or them to be in the wedding. You will also usually have any close cousins or other close relatives in the wedding. In most cases, your fiancé’s family will also expect to be included.

Whether or not you include them will depend on several things. First how many bridesmaids are in the wedding? If you are only having one or two attendants, most will understand that your family and closest friends come first. After all, the bridesmaids are your part of the wedding. Next, how close are you with his family and how close is he with his sister(s)?

If you are already acting as a member of the family and get along quiet well with his sister, then she may get her feelings hurt if not in the wedding. However, it will not be as expected if you have only talked with her once or twice.

Determining if you should ask your future husband’s family to be in the wedding is something that you should discuss with him. He will likely have an opinion. In return is he including your family? If so, then you probably should include his.

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