Recently the question was posed by a teacher on Facebook asking when a child should start formal education. The answers varied from two years old to not until Kindergarten. Some responded that formal education was never necessary. Obviously from the vast array of answers the decision to send a child to preschool is a personal one. How do you make the decision? Certainly do not make the decision based on pressure from family, friends or society. You will hear that children who attend preschool are better prepared for Kindergarten or better prepared for social situations. Is that true? You will hear many Kindergarten teachers say students who attended preschool make better students. Is that true? Would your child benefit from preschool?
To answer these questions we must first explore what preschool sets out to accomplish.
Social skills
Kindergarten readiness
Practice for parent and child separation
Is preschool necessary to teach these skills?
Preschool is not necessary to a child’s development socially or educationally. A parent is fully equipped to teach a child the skills necessary for a positive Kindergarten experience. At one time Kindergarten was the precursor to elementary education and served the same purpose as preschool. Currently, Kindergartens for a variety of reasons begin with expectations that a child knows certain skills both socially and educationally. Due to this many believe preschool fills in the gap to prepare the child for formal education begging the question will my child one day need pre-preschool? For a parent who is consciously teaching a child social skills and basic lessons preschool may not be necessary.
How do I make the decision?
The decision needs to be made based on what is best for the child and the family situation. If you feel your child needs to be in more social situations than you can offer than you may want to consider the option. You may want to consider the option if you need to work outside the home or you work inside the home but need time in your home office. The most important thing is to pick the right preschool if you feel this is the right choice for your child. Do not succumb to pressure on either side of the issue as this is about your child and your family.