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Show an Interest in What People Do and Say

We periodically talk about different communication techniques tips for building relationships with prospects, clients, customers and colleagues here in the Home Business blog. After all, even if your small business has you interacting with only a few people, how you interact is still going to be crucial. A key communication technique that you can apply to any area of your life is to show a genuine interest in what others do and say.

You notice that I stuck the word “genuine” in there? That means that people can tell the difference between someone who is actually listening to what they say and really interested in the things they do and those who are just pretending to be interested in order to get what they want. I have found that if I cannot muster a genuine interest and I am not in the frame of mind to really be a decent listener and communicator, it is better that I put off interacting if possible. It is better to be genuinely present than to fake it. People know the difference –even with brief or first-time encounters.

Ask people what they are interested in and about what they do–work, hobbies, interests, vacations. AND, listen to what they say in response. This may seem incredibly obvious but often we know how to do this with our close friends and family, but we don’t realize that the same basic communication techniques apply to our business relationships too. Think of the people that you know who seem to be the best conversationalists, as well as those people who you like to do business with–chances are, they are the very people who have shown an interest in what you do and remember to ask about it when they see you. They are also very likely the individuals who are the best listeners and who actually remember what you say from one time to the next.