My six-year-old daughter, Samantha just started taking showers instead of our usual bath routine. I knew she was ready, because I had taught her how to wash her hair and body. She did it well on her own after some time. We also have a bar on the shower wall that she can hold onto if she feels she’ll fall. The bottom of the tub is covered with a grip-type covering to reduce the risk of falling.
How do you know when your child’s ready to have shower time?
1. They wash and rinse their body and hair thoroughly.
2. They understand the importance of good hygiene.
3. The understand the safety rules of the bathroom – no horsing around, running, etc.
4. They are not afraid of the spraying water from the shower head. Samantha was afraid of it at first. Every once in a while during bath time I would turn it on, and make it a game. Once she got her face under the water, she realized that it wasn’t going to hurt her.
5. Children are usually ready around the ages of five to seven. However, just like everything else, it varies with each child.
For about the first week, Samantha wasn’t rinsing her hair well enough. There was some left over conditioner after each shower. I just explained to her that her hair needs to be rinsed well, getting all the shampoo and conditioner out. Each day it got a little better, and I complimented her on it. She’s doing great now.
Now what to do with that extra time?
When Samantha first started taking showers, I thought, what do I do now? She doesn’t need me to wash her anymore. I just need to be there as supervision. I have found the time useful for cleaning, getting their pajamas ready, and even some things for myself such as reading or plucking my eyebrows! Use the time how you will, but make sure you are in the bathroom with them should they need you.
Stay Safe!