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Side Dishes For Those Barbecues

Summer often means barbecue time. Although we are in winter in Australia and looking for warming curries, stews and casseroles, I know in the Northern hemisphere you are in summer. If you’re like me you’re often casting around for different salads or side dishes to go with the barbecued meats. Here are two great side dishes using potatoes.

Minted potatoes


2 pounds boiled new potatoes

1 Spanish onion

2 ounces margarine or butter

1 tablespoon gluten free plain flour

1 and a quarter cups gluten free vegetable stock

1 and a quarter cups evaporated milk

Half cup parsley chopped

Half cup mint chopped

1 tablespoon gluten free Worcestershire sauce

1 egg yolk

Salt and pepper to taste


Slice the potatoes into chunky slices. Peel and chop the onions. Melt margarine or butter and fry onions for 3-4 minutes or until soft.

Stir in flour and cook for 1 minute.

Remove pan from heat and blend in stock and evaporated milk. Blend till smooth.

Return pan to heat and bring to boil, stirring occasionally till thickened. Stir in half the parsley, Worcestershire sauce and potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Turn off heat, stir in egg yolk. Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle through mint and remaining parsley and serve.

Serves 4

Spicy Potatoes


Canola cooking spray

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Teaspoon chili flakes

Half teaspoon paprika

Quarter teaspoon ground cumin

Quarter teaspoon ground black pepper

Quarter teaspoon oregano

2 teaspoons sunflower oil

4 medium potatoes cut into 1 inch cubes

Preheat a hot oven, around 400-410 degrees F
Line a baking tray with foil. Spray foil with cooking spray to prevent sticking.

In a large bowl combine, cayenne pepper, chili flakes paprika, cumin, black pepper and oregano. Stir in oil and mix well.

Add potatoes to this spice mixture and mix well to coat.

Place potatoes in one layer on prepared baking tray. Bake, turning occasionally till potatoes are golden and tender, about 20-25 minutes.

Serve hot. Serves 4.

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