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Signs You’re A Sick Mormon Mom

I spent most of last week in bed, sick as a dog. Of course, this gave me plenty of time to consider clues that you’re an ill Latter-day Saint (assuming, of course, you don’t realize it while you are puking in the toilet). Okay, that’s a lie – last week, I didn’t really think about the blog. But I’ve had time to think since then, and here are just a few signs!

1. You’ve found yet another good reason to have kids over a wide age range. Now your oldest kids can take care of the younger ones while you lay in bed. This gives me a lot of hope for when my little ones get bigger.

2. You can’t even find the strength to make green jello for the ward activity. Oh, the tragedy!

3. You decide to cut this Sunday’s talk down to the essentials, and so you toss out the fifteen talks you printed out to prepare.

4. You can’t even find the strength to make green jello for the ward activity. Oh, the tragedy!

5. You sign up to bring yourself a dinner. Don’t you love Relief Society?!

6. When someone asks you if there is any way they can help out, you point them in the direction of another sister who you feel is more in need of attention.

7. Your husband begs to let you give him a blessing so that he doesn’t have to do any more of the housework. Depending on how many and how young your kids are, he might even get down on his knees.

8. Even hearing your kids sing “I Am a Child of God” causes you physical pain. Then again, maybe it isn’t the singing. Maybe it’s just you.

9. You start to wonder if the reason you are hanging around the bathroom has to do with the drink you had last night. Can soda really make you throw up that much?

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