I love a nice tall cold glass of skim milk. Even so, for quite a while I have flirted with the idea of giving up milk entirely. My desire to give up dairy caused me to think of all the areas that I use it on a daily basis. I use it for cooking, baking, cereal, smoothies and in my coffee not to mention ice cream or frozen yogurt. The problem for me with dairy is the caloric intake, cholesterol, and the fact that dairy does not always love me back. For someone with sinus trouble, I have been told that dairy products and sinuses do not get along. Then enter the Silk 10 Day Challenge. I thought it was a cute idea but I did not have high hopes that Silk could replace milk in all areas. I was invited to take the challenge and gladly accepted as I was already a fan of Silk products. In fact, I currently have my favorite Silk product, Vanilla Almond Milk, in the fridge right now. So, I began my challenge to replace milk with soy.
My thoughts:
As I expressed I was already a Silk consumer so I was not too worried about taste. If you are not familiar with soy milk you must know the taste is distinctly different but the consistency is similar. You may find that you enjoy the taste more or less that is a personal preference. While I enjoy both I have always thought that soy milk or almond milk does not seem to feel as cold and refreshing going down as skim milk does. You may not want to take that little nugget to the bank as when I expressed that to my husband he looked at me like I had five heads.
Surprisingly, I found that I could substitute soy for milk in all my needs. Since my family is noted for high cholesterol, I am quite pleased to have an alternative to milk. Soy and almond milk are also lower in calories and higher in protein so the balance is healthier. Substituting was not as difficult as I thought and I was pleased with how it turned out. On the website site it offers suggestions from warming up Almond Dark Chocolate Milk as a substitute for hot chocolate to freezing Silk Pure Coconut Vanilla into popsicle molds to switching out Vanilla Almond in your cereal and your coffee. I had not considered any of these options but tried them all and I was very pleased. All the years I spent purchasing soy milk and never thought to do more with it than put it in cereal! I have to say the Almond Dark Chocolate Milk is amazing! So my body and my taste buds thank the challenge. If you are seeking a nondairy alternative or need to cut down on cholesterol then soy, almond or coconut milk is a viable option.
Disclosure: I was asked to take the challenge and given a coupon for a free Silk product. I lost the coupon and already planned to ban milk from my life. My thoughts and opinions have nothing to with Silk since I was already a customer. I also had no obligation to share my findings, results or thoughts on this subject. However, I still thought it necessary to explain that I was given a coupon and asked to join the challenge even if I never used the coupon.