Today we’re going to look at some simple tips to maintain a healthy marriage. When you receive good news who is the first person you want to share it with? Is it your spouse? When an early morning phone call this week told me that I had been awarded second prize in a poetry competition, I couldn’t wait to get off the phone and tell Mick.
He is always my first thought when I receive good news, because I know he will respond in an appropriate way and he did. His encouraging words left me feeling I was the cleverest person on the planet. I know I’m not, but for a time I was made to feel that way. I can always rely on Mick’s encouragement.
Encouraging words and appreciation are an integral part of maintaining a good marriage. When was the last time you encouraged your spouse and told them how much you appreciate them or you told them how clever or special they are or how much you admire a certain characteristic or ability they have?
Whenever I have good news Mick rejoices with me and this week we both needed something to celebrate as it’s been a hard week. Similarly when he has good news I am the first person he tells.
Of course the situation is the same when it’s bad news, we automatically turn to each other too.
He has always supported me in my writing. So much so that last week when I was busy with myriad jobs, he stopped what he was doing and put the covers of my two new children’s books up on my website so I could keep going with what I needed to do. That’s showing consideration for your spouse and putting them first!
This week I’ve been doing some of the jobs he usually does around the house like putting out the trash and the recycling bin and feeding the dogs. Just as a little pick- me-up for him, since he’s feeling low, I went up the street to get him a little treat of a vanilla slice. It was only a little thing but just a way of saying, ‘I love you,’ and just one of many little ways of encouraging him and trying to make him feel special.
They’re the little things that often get overlooked but they are the little courtesies that help keep a marriage healthy. If you marriage is in the doldrums, try a good dose of encouragement, appreciation and practical help around the house and maybe a special treat for your spouse. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just some little thing you know they like that lets them know you’re thinking of them and that they are special.
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