Workshops, tutorials, and plain ol’ persistence are not the only ways you can improve your photos.
When all else fails—-edit.
With digital photography growing by leaps and bounds at every turn, it’s almost impossible to print out a bad picture these days. What’s more, you don’t have to drain your wallet purchasing fancy schmancy photo editing software in order to create frame worthy images. Rather, all you have to do is surf the World Wide Web and with a few clicks of your mouse, you will be able to turn ordinary shots into extraordinary works of art.
If you are not familiar with some of the hundreds of sites that offer free editing tools, I would start by visiting the following: Photobucket, Picasa, Snapfish, Picnik, Facebook, and MySpace. They are among the easiest sites to navigate and have a decent reputation for allowing you to transfer existing online photos and making them shine.
Once you select the images you want to enhance, you will be given tool options. The free ones are among the most basic, such as:
Touch-ups: This tool allows you to improve the overall look of a photo subject by erasing a blemish, scar or getting rid of those bags under their eyes. Depending on the software program you may also be able to fix red-eye and whiten your photo subject’s teeth.
Black and white: Allows you to turn a photo from color to black and white.
CinemaScope: Enhances shots so they appear psychedelic in nature.
Tint: Allows you to change the color of your shots. Some programs offer a wider selection than others, though most feature primary colors.
Cropping: This tool allows you to resize your images and eliminate extraneous objects or unwanted subjects.
Resize: There are a slew of sites, including Dr.Pic, which allows you to alter the size of a photo file so that it can be uploaded to a particular site with no problems.
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