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Simplifying Business Communication

It can be tempting to try to enhance your business’ image by using fancy phrases and big words. BUT, the reality is, if you choose superfluous language when you could say something very simply—you will likely not only turn off customers and prospects, but you might also make communication cloudy. Business communication should be simple, complete, and direct.

We think we need to use big, official-sounding phrases like “pertaining to” instead of “about” or “regarding” and “at which time” instead of “when”—this might make us sound like we’ve been educated, but it won’t make it any easier for our customers to understand what we are trying to communicate. There is a reason that people call such overdone language “Lawyer-speak”—if you have ever tried to read a legal document you know how full it is with extra words, big words, and long, confusing phrases and sentences. This is not what we want in our business communication.

When in doubt, go for simplicity. This does not mean that you need to “dumb down” your business communication, web site, or marketing materials. You can be perfectly eloquent and sound smart and competent, without filling your business writing with a bunch of confusing, extra, fluff. If you are not sure if your business communication is direct and simple enough, have a friend or mentor look things over. They may be able to give you some objective feedback before you send things out and alienate potential customers or clients.

Write your business communication as if you were writing to a colleague or coworker—not someone you are trying to dazzle and impress with your keen grasp of the English (or any other) language. You will want to be perfectly understandable and concise, as well as come off as warm and intelligent. You don’t need big words or overblown statements to do this—especially NOT in your home business!

See Also: Negotiating and Working With Clients and Customers You Never Actually Meet

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