There are times when you are going to feel very much alone in being a single parent. There are going to be those days when you feel that nobody understands, not even the ones that you are closest to and that know your situation. On those days, in those moments you must remember this:
I may be a single parent, but I am never alone. There is someone that is by my side every moment of the day. Even when I am sleeping, I am protected.
There may be moments that something happens that is very discouraging. I may wonder why, but then I remember how much I have already endured and have come out in one piece and somehow stronger. It is then that I realize that I am supposed to be learning something from the situation and I do.
I look at my child at play, my child learning, my child sleeping and my child growing taller and stronger. I realize that it is a strong bond that we have between us. Even though he is just a child we are in this together. I am blessed in having him.
I count my blessings that I have with this child and wonder where would I be without him in my life. I know then why he was given to me.
I walk, sometimes rush through each day and wonder why I am here. I then look at his sweet face and there are no more questions that I ask of myself or anyone else, because it is then that I know.
The long days are tough, the long nights too, but I emerge in the morning with renewed strength to carry me through. Everything will be okay.
Someone is guiding me, walking with me, watching over me. I am not alone, not ever.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media, and health.