Eventually, the opportunity or interest may come up in your single parent dating experiences to get away from the realities of home for a couple days and get away for the weekend. What might be a typical activity in the evolution of an adult relationship can be a big deal for single parent. It takes coordination, explanation, and nips into the family budget. Deciding it is the right time, and figuring out how to go about planning and executing a romantic weekend get-away can be a major operation for the average single parent.
Of course, it depends on the age(s) of your child(ren). Just getting away for a day from very young children may seem nearly impossible or it might be that a young child can adjust quickly and is excited to spend the weekend with grandma or a trusted friend. For parents who share custody and the child or children can spend a weekend at the other parent’s house, it might make the logistic question of what to do with the children easier. This does not mean that we will feel entirely comfortable being gone, however.
When my children were younger and the occasional opportunity for a weekend get-away popped up, I know I was a little self-conscious about feeling like I had to explain and justify my whereabouts. It is not like the single parent can slip away and not have to tell all the involved parties where she’s going. For me, this felt like I was opening myself up to judgment by others. Of course this was partly “my thing” but it is was also a very valid concern. You will need to leave contact information and prepare those who will be caring for your child, as well as prepare the child for your absence.
What you tell your children and how you arrange your “get-away” will depend on the children’s ages and what is appropriate. Going away with a “friend” for a couple days may be all that you need to say.