Can I Do It?
The challenges of single parenting are multiple. Mix with this homeschooling and you cannot even fathom the thought. However, it can be done and is done by many single parents across the world.
It is funny. Your desires for you child may seem impossible, but by sheer will and this desire it is doable. If thoughts of homeschooling are in your mind and you are a single parent, take heart. Where there is a will, there is a way, as the old saying goes. Whether a working outside of the house parent or a work-at-home parent, working around your other responsibilities takes practice, ingenuity, and careful planning.
Thought and Planning
For the single parent that works outside of the home to make ends meet there are a few ways to go about your homeschooling wishes. You can hire a tutor if your state allows or enroll your child in a group like setting with other homeschooled children. Some parents take turns teaching the whole group in each other’s homes. For many homeschooling parents school is just taught around their work schedule and child care while the parent is working is provided by either a family member or day care provider.
For the work-at-home parent school and work are accomplished throughout the day with careful scheduling done to meet everyone’s needs. As your child grows their need for constant teaching is lessened and they will become more independent in their studies and can work with minimal supervision.
For more information regarding this topic a great source of information is available at
Remember, each state is different and compliance is essential. Check your local homeschooling laws as to their requirements regarding homeschooling your children, but remember, anything is possible!
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health