In A Place All Your Own
You have finally accepted the fact that you are single again. Ugh, you do not like the sound of it, but there it is. You have acknowledged it and are trying to deal with it the best way that you know how. Some of your friends are sympathetic; some envy you, of all things. They would love the chance to be free again, they say. Do they not realize how difficult it is? How lonely it is? Apparently not. You pray that they never have the chance to feel the things that you are going through. You cannot blame them though, they just do not understand. It may look good from the outside, but looks can be deceiving as they say.
Out In the World
As you venture out into the big world, you realize it is all you. You are it. The one and only parent in the house with everything swallowing you up. You need to be strong because you have no choice. Therefore, you muster up all the courage that you have inside and go for it and you are doing a fine job at it. You feel quite good about how capable you have become doing things on your own. As you mingle with those around you at work and all of the other activities that surround your life you may notice that you have some things in a common with a particular someone. Something casual suddenly turns into something much more.
Out of the Blue
You did not plan for this to happen. You were not looking for anything more than some casual conversation and then it happens quite out of the blue. You have been smitten by the love bug. “Hmm”, you think, “this is kind of nice.” Before you get carried away you need to stop and think how it will affect your life and the life of your children. Will it be a good thing? Will it interfere in your life in a negative aspect? Are you really ready to start again? You need to ponder this awhile before it goes any further.
Taking the Plunge
You have decided to either cut the ties or take the plunge. My guess is that most of you will take the plunge because if it is making you happy, that is a great feeling, isn’t it? How can it be negative unless you allow it to be? You can always get out if you see it heading that way, can’t you? As long as it does not interfere in loving and caring for your children as you always have then there should not be a problem. The only word of caution on that is that you do not introduce the children until things get serious and you are absolutely sure that this person will be around for a long time. Other than that, if you are enjoying it then go for it. Your children deserve a happy parent and you deserve to be happy once again and not in a place all your own.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health