One thing that single parents need the most besides a little more sleep is a second income. Being a single parent means producing a dual income on a one-income check. Since this is impossible, the next best thing is for a single parent to find ways that they can bring in an extra income while staying home. Most single parents work all day. The very thought of having to take care of the kids, the house, themselves and go back out to work their second job is mind boggling.
There are numerous ways that one can generate more money without having to go back out to work after just coming home from their first job. Here are some ideas to help the wheels in your brain start turning:
~Garage or yard sales: Drag all of your stuff out of your basement and de-clutter while earning cash.
~Ebay auctioning: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You might be surprised at what you can sell to someone.
~Craigslist selling: Convenient and local. Make sure that you meet in a well-lit, populated area.
~Medical transcription: Most of these jobs do require some experience.
~At-home sales: Many companies are now offering work-at-home spots.
~Customer service representative: Check out your newspaper for opportunities that are available.
~Online jobs: This has become gigantic. There are legitimate jobs out there just waiting for you.
~Crafting: Put your skills to good use and then sell your wares.
~Flea marketing: This is another basement bargain special.
~Offering services, such as babysitting, or ironing: There are still people out there that do not worry about money and are willing to pay for your services.
There are so many things that one can do to bring in much needed cash. You will still need your steady, stable job to count on because they most likely provide your family benefits, but for some side cash there is always something to do. Put on your thinking cap and see what you can come up with.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health