While surfing the internet I came across a website that features an online magazine just for single parents. At http://www.singleparentbible.com.au/contents.php?id=17 you will find an interesting collection of articles pertaining just to us single parents. This online magazine talks about such topics as finance, shopping, being a single parent, dating, doing things with your kids, books, music, movies, support groups, and resources for single parents. They even have a message board that you can talk to others about legal issues, your kids, news, opinions, advice, games, diet and exercise, your weekly adventures, and so much more. You can even go on there just to vent if you need to. Being a parent and more so in being a single parent I found this section very helpful. Most people, I find, are either too busy to listen to my daily struggles or are not interested. You see their minds drifting as you speak. Some people in a two-parent family just simply do not understand although they think that they do.
Did you ever feel left out because you are a single parent? We all have. We are unique among a two-parent family and so are our circumstances. We just do not seem to fit in with them. At singleparentbible.com, they understand that. That is why this magazine was launched. They understand our differences. Chocked full of interesting articles, resources and ideas you can even gain access to previous issues if you like.
Come and peruse this online magazine and get a glimpse of what it has to offer single parents. Though I did not read through every page I was pleasantly surprised at what I did see and as soon as I can catch my breath I will look through it a little more thoroughly.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.