The Slim Fast diet program is a weight-management program that combines Slim Fast meals and snacks with one sensible, balanced meal a day in order to achieve long-term weight loss. The program centers on shakes, snacks, and prepackaged meals. Many of its participants supplement the meals with food bars, with the goal being to stay away from high fat high calorie foods. The use of Slim Fast meals and snacks in combination with other healthy foods and daily exercise assure that more calories are burned than consumed allowing weight loss to occur.
The program has recently changed to include pre-packaged meals and snacks to go along with the shakes. The previous program which included only the shakes were difficult for many people because although nutritious, these shakes along did not provide filling to prevent hunger pangs. The addition of these pre-packaged meals is intended to combat that problem and add more variety as well.
Another drawback to this plan is that it’s some time before you are instructed on proper eating habits. This can be a real chore for some people because unless you are able to learn new ways to eat, it doesn’t matter how much weight you lose, it’s going to come back. For anyone who has ever had a weight problem, once it comes off, you still have to struggle every day to keep it off. Unlike those who have had a high metabolism all their lives and never had a weight problem, those who have struggle. It even becomes frustrating when you hear of people who are able to eat three times what the average person can and never gain weight. Metabolism is a tricky thing, and it can sometimes be upset by illness and go haywire. This is the key to all weight loss programs: getting your metabolism into high gear so that your body burns more calories that it consumes. This is why it is important with any weight loss program to follow their meal planners correctly. In addition to the shakes and pre-packaged foods and snacks that are available, Slim Fast includes a food and exercise plan for everyone to follow.
Healthy and nutritional, the Slim Fast diet is one of the better ones on the market if you don’t mind spending the money for the shakes, which can be quite expensive to consume twice a day. Though research has not indicated how safe this plan is for long term use, in the past their recommendations were for no more than 30 days at a time. The program has changed since then, so it is advisable to read the instructions and warnings on the packages and follow what it says precisely.
On a positive note, it is a healthy and convenient way to maintain the goal weight, and it’s a great way to lose that five pounds or so that manages to find its way onto the hips and waistline during the holiday season. Just remember to supplement the shakes with one well-balanced meal, exercise, and at least eight glasses of water per day.