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Slow Down, Are you Moving too Fast?

Racing from thing to thing? Juggling and multi-tasking like nobody’s business? This might be the typical state of being for many single parents but it might not be the best tempo for health, sanity and family life.

Yes, we single parents have a tendency to move at the speed of light (alright, I am being a bit hyperbolic but still—we get a lot done in the course of a day) and we might have to move speedily from one thing to the next. But if you find you are doing everything quickly—a 3-minute shower, rushing through breakfast or eating in the car, racing around during your lunch hour, checking your child’s homework as you are waiting at the traffic light, etc. you might be pushing things into the fast lane too much. How much enjoyment can you be getting out of life if you are moving so quickly? How much quality time can you be spending with your child or children?

Take it easy…there may be things you can let go or at least ways that you can stretch out dinner time, take time for a sit-down breakfast, or even soak in a hot tub instead of taking the speedy shower. Often, individuals find that just slowing the ordinary tasks and responsibilities down during the course of a day can make a huge difference in how grounded and sane a person feels. You might not get so tired and exhausted either if you just slow things down to smell the roses a bit. Another benefit to slowing things down? You might remember better—I find that I am more likely to forget things and details when I am rushing about and have a much better memory when I slow down and can actually register what I am doing and saying.