If you have been having trouble establishing a fitness routine, it may be that you are going at it the wrong way. For some people just jumping into a routine works great but for many other people they need to slowly work their way in.
Weekly goals may be the right way to tackle your fitness routine. Monthly goals are too long and daily are too short. I think weekly are a good compromise.
So let’s think about exercise. Let’s say you want to be able to work out at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day. If you attempt to make a drastic lifestyle change and just dive in, you are more than likely to not stick with it. So work your way into your ultimate goal.
Perhaps for the first week you do work out 5 days but it is only for 10 minutes each day. Or maybe you work out 2 or 3 times that week for 20 minutes. There are a variety of options that you can choose. The point is to start off slowly.
The following week you might add another day or add some time onto your routine. Whichever method you choose it will be easier to make your exercise routine a habit. As you ease your way into it, it becomes much more doable.
The same can be done for your eating habits. Perhaps one week you cut out soda. The next week you switch to a healthier breakfast, the following week you make changes to your lunch plans and so on.
Yes, this may take time but for many people it is more attainable. It is easier to make smaller changes and then before you know it, you can look back and see how you have begun to establish some very healthy habits in your life.
Don’t overwhelm yourself or make fitness something to dread. Take small steps which can lead to big changes.
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