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Smelling Your Way to Weight Loss

When I first read the title, “Use Aromatherapy to Help You Shed Pounds” I thought it was a joke. Seriously, how can sticking some essential oil in your home do anything besides make your home smell good? Not that I’m not all for yummy smelling homes–but don’t tell me that it will help you lose weight.

Stress and Weight Gain

Then I kept reading. I am not a stressed based eater. What I mean by that is I don’t tend to eat when I’m upset or stressed. In fact, I manage stress fairly well. I tend to eat when I haven’t planned my snacks and I’m running out the door. And honestly, I don’t really over eat either. What I do is eat junk. I would happily exist on brownies and Pepsi all day long. In fact, I think I did in college. And if you do that, you’ll gain weight.

But if you’re a stress based eater tending towards eating when life throws you a curve ball you may want to look into aromatherapy as an aid for weight loss. While practitioners will tell you that it is not the ‘magic bullet’ to weight loss, aromatherapy can be useful. Even still, I think some of the principles from using aromatherapy can be very useful as well.

Energizing & Dealing with Symptoms

One area of application of aroma therapy and weight loss is helping you feel more energized when you are sluggish. Using the right essential oil during a work out can give you the energy to put in a little more effort which will only help you lose weight. Aromatherapy can also help you deal with sugar withdrawal or other symptoms in weight loss.

Reducing Stress

However, the big benefit that I see, is that aromatherapy is often used for stress reduction. If you are a stress based eater, start training yourself to turn towards essential oils rather than food for comfort. By doing this, you can see easily how aromatherapy can help you with your weight loss goals.

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