In a recent study done by the Society of Fire Protection, the research shows that young children ages 6-10 years old are much more likely to wake up to a smoke detector that uses voice or emits a low pitched alarm than traditional smoke detectors that use a higher pitched sound.
In an experiment where the mothers voice was recorded and played while the children slept, ALL of the kids woke up! In some cases they experimented by using a female actor’s voice or a pattern of beeps. In those particular cases the children woke up about 90% of the time.
In the case where the mother’s voice was used, the mother said the child’s name, that there was a fire, and instructed them to wake up and go outside.
According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, nearly 55% of children under the age of five who die from home fires are asleep at the time. Another 31% are too young to react appropriately.
In the event of a fire, every second counts. In the studies where traditional smoke alarms were used it took children 1-3 minutes to wake up. Children have a maximum of 2 minutes to get out of the home to reduce any injuries or worse.
Kidsmart sells a voice-activated smoke alarm for $69.95. It’s called the “Kidsmart Vocal Smoke Alarm DC Powered Unit”. It can be found at
Not only can you find out a lot more information there, but you can also send an email to and request educational materials from SignalONE Safety. I believe you would have to send them your name and address to receive these free materials. Knowledge is power!
If you choose to purchase a Kidsmart voice-activated smoke alarm, enter coupon code 110105-VSA to get $20.00 off the total!
Stay Safe!