The good news is you lost a ton of weight and you feel better than ever. The bad news is you now resemble a saggy elephant. Many people who lose a significant amount of weight gain a suit of saggy skin in the process. Believe me, it’s better to be in shape and have to deal with loose skin than to be morbidly obese and on the brink of dying from a heart attack or stroke.
Surgery can help eliminate saggy skin, although it can be very expensive. The average cost of a tummy tuck is about $5,000, according to medical experts. However, some insurance companies cover tummy tucks, thigh lifts and other surgical procedures that help those whose dramatic weight loss has caused significant problems like chafing and irritation from excess skin. It’s important to check with your insurer on policy details before ruling out surgery options.
If you are in the middle of a fitness regime and looking to shed significant pounds, it’s important to note that surgery is not your only option. Losing 20 to 30 pounds is different than shedding 200 pounds. If you’re weight loss goal is roughly 25 pounds you may experience some skin jiggling, but it shouldn’t warrant undergoing surgery to fix. Rather, fitness experts recommend hitting the weights more. Adding muscle to your physique can help tone your skin in certain areas.
In addition to the amount of weight you lose, the condition of your skin plays a role in its ability to recoil and tighten. Factors that play a role in skin resiliency include sun damage, smoking, age, genetics, and how much yo-yo dieting you’ve done. Stretch marks are also an indication of poor elasticity.
If surgery seems too extreme, then stick with a strength training program to firm up muscles under the skin. While it can’t completely remedy major sagginess after significant weight loss, it can make you look more toned and help you feel better about your new figure.
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