I’m the type of mom that didn’t leave my baby girl’s side ever since she was born. When she started preschool, many people thought I would suffer a great deal, or she would as well for never experiencing anything without me. Surprisingly enough, she did awesome, and I did too.
When Kindergarten came, my little girl did not find it as exciting as preschool. She had major separation anxiety, and it took her a long time to get to a point where she wouldn’t cry and cling to me.
I think it was easier for me because I was too busy trying to console and coax her to go into her classroom.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for my little girl. When I look at her, I can hardly believe how much she has grown. She hasn’t only grown physically, but mentally – by leaps and bounds.
She makes me so proud – and I often think, “So this is what it’s like to be a mother.”
Today, she said she was so excited because she will be a first grader after tomorrow. I had to smile. I felt something spark in me, it was excitement…for her. She looks forward to it, and so, I do too.
Again, I think, “So this is what it’s like to be a mother.”
I feel connected to her, even though she isn’t by my side every minute of the day anymore. When she is upset, I am upset. When she is excited, I am excited. She is growing up, and so am I.
The bond between mother and child is amazing. I’ve never felt this type of bond with anyone, and I wouldn’t know what it would feel like if it wasn’t for my two children.
This bond makes me a mother forever… no matter how close or how far apart we are, or what age we are. Incredible!
Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net