When writing my newsletter for Passion to Success, I kept coming back to one topic I find myself writing about a lot lately: setting goals. You see a lot of articles this time of year about the importance of goal setting. Everyone knows that when you get close to the New Year, you plan for the next year. However, there is more to setting goals then stating a goal.
How often do you hear “I’m going to cut out all chocolate” to see that person with a piece of chocolate cake 2 days later? “Quitting smoking” is another one that often is spoken and then forgotten. A goal has to have a purpose that will lead to something you want to happen. It has nothing to do with your boss, family, or others in your life. When you set goals, you need to keep in mind WHY you are setting this as an end result. It needs to come from the heart. Blindly writing things down gives you no reason to work towards it.
Goal setting is about setting ACHIEVABLE goals AND figuring out HOW to achieve them.
Here are some questions to think about while setting your goals this year!
• What do you want to accomplish next year?
• What do you want to change next year?
• How much money will you make next year?
• What do you need to sell/do to accomplish that?
• What needs to be done every month to accomplish your yearly goal?
• What needs to be done every week to accomplish your monthly goal?
• Do you feel you can hit your goal on your own? If not, what do you need to do to make it happen?
What are your goals?
Read my other Blogs on goals: Stretching and Thinking.