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So, You Messed Up, Now What?

Mistakes happen. Bloopers, disasters, big messes, oops…all of these are fairly common occurrences and, just because you are operating a home business and attempting to do everything just so—this does not mean you are exempt from making mistakes. So, you’ve made a big mess or an enormous mistake—now what?

You can either run or hide from your mistake or choose to face it. Chances are, if you are a sole proprietor, running your own small home business, there is no one else to cover for you or face your blooper for you so it just comes down to you and you alone. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to find help and access professionals who might be able to help you. Try to keep in mind that even the most seemingly daunting problems are generally fixable. Sometimes it just takes getting away and gaining some perspective in order to see things more clearly.

When it comes to business problems—usually the sooner you face them and fix them, the better off your business will be. If you have messed up with a customer or client, you’ll need to make amends; if you have financial or tax problems, the sooner you face them and make arrangements to fix it, the more understanding the affected entities and parties will be normally. PLUS, digging in and attempting to fix even the biggest problems can really help eliminate your own stress and worry. Actually doing something is better for you than fussing and worrying and wondering what you should do.

Don’t let you pride keep you from asking for the help you need. If you need to call in an expert to help you solve a big problem—do it! That’s what all those attorneys, financial planners, and tax consultants are there for. After all, we are only human, and while we may be fantastic at some things in our home businesses, we are going to make mistakes and that is when we should be able to call in reinforcements and get the help we need to make things right.

See Also: Can We Learn From Our Mistakes?

Learning Not to Repeat Mistakes