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So, Your Wife Has PMS …

angry Guys, I feel sorry for you. I really do. You marry the love of your life, the sweet angel who fills your days with light, your heart with joy … and then reality sets in. She has PMS. Gone is the beautiful vision of love you thought you married. In her place is a snappish shrew who screams and throws things at you.

Okay, so, that’s a little overdramatic. But it’s true that many, many women suffer with PMS, and you guys feel helpless to do anything about it. The advice I’m about to give may not work for everyone, as each woman is different, but maybe I can help smooth the path just a little bit.

1. Don’t ask her if she’s on her period. If you have reason to believe she is by the way she’s acting, just assume that she is. The question will get you in trouble.

2. Don’t try to “make her happy.” Nothing you say or do will work, and bending over backwards to try to please her will only hurt your back.

3. At the same time, though, show common courtesy and respect. Yes, she’s treating you like dog food, but just take a deep breath and remain calm.

4. Pay attention from month to month and notice if she likes to be alone, or if she seeks out her female friends, or if she likes to nap … however she most prefers to deal with her out-of-control hormones. As you notice this, you can then support her as she goes to do those things to blow off steam.

5. Don’t confuse PMS hormones with aroused hormones. If she says she’s feeling hormonal, that doesn’t mean she’s thinking about you romantically – that means she’s feeling either murderous or like she’s going to cry. If she is feeling romantic, she’ll let you know, but don’t assume.

6. Above all else, love her. You know you’ll get her true self back eventually, and she’ll probably even feel sheepish for being so ornery. Let her know that you will always love her, even when she’s going through a rough time. Then she’ll know she can count on you through anything, not just PMS but if something really big comes along.

PMS is no fun … trust me, it’s not fun for the girl, either. But by paying attention to her needs, you can learn how to help her through it and perhaps stay out of trouble a little bit, too.

Related Blogs:

PMS and Marriage

Hormonal Swings and Depression

Fun with Hormones!