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Soap Operas? Who has time?!

Have you noticed the banner ads for ABCs hit soap operas? These ads got me thinking about stay home moms and work at home moms often being seen as making our lives revolve around daytime dramas. I have to admit, years ago, I was a General Hospital fan. Frankly, that was back when I was really too young to be watching such shows, young innocent teenager that I was.

I began watching again towards the end of my pregnancy with my youngest child, while I was on bed rest. As soon as I was back on my feet, I turned off the TV. Every once in a while I do sneak a peek at the cover of a soap magazine to see if I still recognize any of the characters. Last time I looked, Jason was still there. Is Sonny still around?

Seriously though, who has time to watch soap operas from noon until three? Not too many moms that I know, that’s for sure. Maybe All My Children and the rest come on earlier in your time zone, but here it’s 12:00-3:00. That’s usually when I’m running around trying to finish everything I need to do before the kids get off school. I’m lucky if I have time to squeeze in a sandwich, much less a soap opera!

Of course, there’s always Soap Net or ABC.com if you want to keep up with the Quartermaine’s, Luke and Laura, or perhaps other soaps, but can’t find time during the day. I guess I don’t really do daytime dramas anymore because now I have enough real life drama to keep me hopping. Funny how that works.

Okay, so I’m not immune to occasionally getting caught up in a good prime time drama, but my afternoon soap opera days are officially over. Oh, and I don’t eat Bon-Bons either!