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Solve Laundry Room Chaos!

laundry room Do you just want to scream when you go into your laundry room? Are there dirty clothes every where, empty detergent bottles, stuff on top of the washer and or dryer, and other chaos? Let us solve it all to leave you with a laundry room that is so pleasant and organized, you’ll want to give all of your friends private tours of it.

The laundry room can so easily get out of control. It is the place where it is literally okay to dump things (dirty clothes) and run out of the room. No wonder it is so easy to “grow” a carpet of laundry, wind up with piles of wrinkled clothes or lose track of the fabric softener.

To get it all under control, make sure that your laundry room has the following things in it.

Something pretty (or funky, or whatever your taste)

Treat your laundry room as you would any other room in the house. Decorate it, paint the walls, add a plant, whatever makes you happy. When you view the laundry room as a pleasant place to be, you’ll automatically want to keep it nice.

Some good shelves

Shelves along a wall or above the appliances means that you have a place for all of the detergents, fabric softeners, pre-treaters and whatever else you need to get your laundry done. Make sure that the shelves are deep enough to allow for one extra bottle or box of each item, this way you will never run out. When you empty something, open up your spare and then restock the shelf.

You can line the shelves with some colorful old towels to catch and absorb any spare drips to keep your shelves nice.

A place to hang

Both you and your clothes need a place to hang. Items that need to be ironed should be hung immediately from the washer or dryer. Install a bar or rack that you can use to hang clothes, as well as a good supply of plastic hangers (metal will rust and stain damp clothing).

You may also want to consider adding someplace to sit, if the area in your laundry room allows it, so you can take a break while the washer fills or sit while you fold clothes.

Something for sorting

If you want to eliminate the laundry carpet, you’ll have to sort the dirty clothes (and teach the other members of your family) as soon as they enter the laundry room. Having designated baskets or a hamper for each type of laundry (whites, darks, etc) means organizing is quick and easy, eliminating the chaos.

Photo by love Maegan

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com