Tools and tricks are all around you even if you don’t have a single black hat hidden anywhere in your wardrobe. They come as the magician’s tricks come to him, via the art of improvisation. Decide that you and your weapons will be the victor at the Battle at the OK Dust Corral and not Burt Lancaster and whoever else was in that movie. Consider some of the following ideas, that is, if you are not too stuffed with turkey and its trimmings to even care.
Dust Removers:
Place a paper or plastic bag over the mop head and secure it with a twist tie or rubber band. Shake vigorously and discard the bag filled with dust. This procedure is versatile and sometimes works with annoying neighbors and former telemarketers as well.
Dust Detractors:
Fabric softener sheets lead double lives as cleanup tools. They are great for cleaning eyeglasses and help prevent them from fogging up. They can also be used to keep the dust off your television and monitor screens.
Dust Busters:
Talk about items leading unexpected, double lives. Now men’s old cotton underwear makes a naked confession for all to hear. Believe it or not, men’s briefs make great lint- free dust cloths. (Just make sure that the owner of the underwear is not wearing them at the time you decide to go and “bust dust.”)
Fridge Dust Bunnies:
If you have a menagerie under your refrigerator, try using the brush on the other end of your car’s ice scraper. It is usually just the right size for getting at that dirt that collects under your trusty old friend, the refrigerator. It also works well on the coils on the back of your fridge.
Be inventive. Look around your home. Unexpected tools are everywhere. Consider friends, relatives and pets in a new and different light and clean, clean, clean!
Do YOU have any cleaning tools to share?
Related Reading:
“Some Unexpected Household Hints”,f392