Have you ever wondered how you ended up in the situation that you are in? Why you work the schedule that you do, and do the type of work that you do? If so, you are probably not alone. In fact, if you have not taken time to think about the “whys” of your current work situation, now is a good time to do so. Often, we just sort of arrive at the place we are at and work along day after day at the same pace without ever questioning how we got there and whether it is really where we want to be.
Evaluating your situation need not be a painful thing, in fact simply thinking about all that you have done to get yourself to where you are can help you to feel good about what you have accomplished. It can also help you create a road map to where you want to go next, which is important because maintaining the status quo is probably not a career goal for many people. You do not even have to set aside a large amount of time to think, maybe just a half hour to an hour break in your work day, or early in the morning, or after everyone else in the house is asleep. Whenever it is that you tend to do your best thinking.
What you ask yourself is up to you. I did this out of the blue today and decided to think about how I became a home-based professional in the first place, how well the work that I do fits who I am as a person, and how to take the next steps to keep my home-based businesses heading in the right direction. It was actually quite inspiring and it made me smile. What I realized was this – if you had asked me a year or two ago what my life was going to be like in a couple of years, I would have told you that I was going to be a lawyer and a mother but I would not have been able to explain how that was going to happen. I also would not have been able to tell you that I would be a writer, or that I would try my hand at making money by baking tasty treats. Most importantly, I would not have been able to tell you just how amazing that little baby boy would be and how his arrival would forever change the way I look at what it means to be successful. How did you get to where you are today?