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Some People Need Somebody

There are many different personalities and characteristics in people. Every person is a unique individual. Some people are strong willed and some depend greatly on others. Just as we have different views and thoughts about everyday occurrences, we also have different feelings and ideas about relationships.

There are some people in the world that always have somebody. These are the people that had boyfriends and girlfriends in kindergarten and first grade. They are the people that always had a date in high school. Every time they broke it off with one mate, another one was waiting.

Some people just need to have a romantic companion. They cannot be without a mate. As soon as one relationship does not work out, they begin looking for a new one. They accept new partners regardless of whether or not the match is compatible.

The same goes for marriage. These people have very little single time after a divorce before they are with a new partner or in a new marriage. Because of the rush into a new marriage, the marriages often do not last long. These people may be married three or four times in their lifetime.

Other people are content to be alone. While they enjoy friendships and relationships, they can also be satisfied with themselves. They take time and search out the perfect person before committing.

So why do some people feel the need to always have a romantic companion?

Some people feel insure about themselves. They feel that they need someone to take care of them. They think that they cannot carry out daily duties and functions by themselves.

Some people just cannot tolerate being alone. They are people persons. They need companionship to be happy. They are depressed when they are alone. They need to interact with others on a continuous basis.

Relationship Issues

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