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Someone Always Knows

There are times when in our own lives we don’t we really know what to pray for. There are times in the lives of others and when we hear about situations and really don’t know how or what to pray. Thankfully, when we don’t know what to pray, there is someone who does. Paul reminds us in reminds us in Romans 8:26 that when we don’t know how or what to pray the Holy Spirit does and ‘He intercedes for the saints.’ The saints are not just a special group of select people but are all of us who are Christians.

What a blessing it is to know that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and takes our fumbling prayers and indecision and translates it into meaningful, right prayers. Because He knows the mind of God, He knows exactly the right thing to pray about and the best outcome which is God’s will in the situation. It certainly takes the stress out of praying.

Romans 8:28 has to be another of the most encouraging verses in the bible. It shows us that no matter how out of control the world seems, how erratic, random and chaotic events seem, in reality they are not because God knows. God is still in control no matter what!

He not only knows but can use all things to work together for good. That includes all our mistakes, and wrong decisions, all or failures and our past experiences, as well as the positive aspects of our lives. That’s a liberating truth to realize.

God’s perfect plan is to make us more like Jesus, Romans 8:29. He will do whatever it takes to bring that about. The reassuring fact is that if God is on our side then nothing or no-one can stand against us, verse 31. His Will, will be done as it has been in the past. What great love God has for us – to give up so much to bring us back to Himself, verse 32.

Now Jesus Himself intercedes for us, verse 34 and nothing, not anything you or I do, or that the world can throw at us and nothing that Satan can do, can separate us from the love of Christ. verses 35-39. We are conquerors through Jesus, verse 37.Amen.

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