Have you ever had an idea but pushed it aside because you thought you could not pull it off? Perhaps you thought you were not established enough, or it would be too much trouble, or too big to happen to you right now, or you just did not know where to begin. I have thoughts like that all the time. I have pushed aside more thoughts then I have actually put time and effort into. Sad, huh? I felt it was about time to start making a whim a reality.
On a whim, I contacted a company about hosting a large event for a group of writers. We were all talking and found that we lived near an attraction in particular. Someone joked that we should approach them and ask if they would host an event. Since, I happened to know someone who may have connections; I decided that this whim of fancy may be my first step into making my ideas a reality. So, I contacted the person I knew and she said she was interested but wanted more information. Well, I was floored. I did not expect a positive response and certainly not one so fast. I was not prepared to make my whim a reality and to come up with a solid plan. So, burning the midnight oil I came up with a real pitch for the idea. Still wondering if this would amount to something I sent it along. The response came back positive but requiring more information. The important thing is that progress is being made. No matter the ultimate response from this particular company, the information needed to continue the process is done. Once you step into making a whim a reality you come up with a plan. Plans make things happen.
Moral of the story; think about an idea that you put off and make a concrete step into making it a reality today! You may be surprised with the outcome.