WARNING: This is not for the weak of stomach. It’s a story about poop, and a whole lot of it.
I started my week with what I like to call POOPAPALOOZA 2006. The Moose held a poop party in the living room last night! I came down the stairs to an almost artistic crescent-shaped smear on the carpet. But that’s not all… oh no my friends… Moose had also squirmed his way behind the fake potted plant and created Lake Poop-erior in the corner. My boy is so very talented, he managed to poop INTO the baseboard heater.
So. Very. Gross!
Now that the mess is dealt with, I can laugh about it. And let’s be honest… if this exact story had happened to anyone else, I’d be in stitches! But sometimes laughing at another’s poop-pain comes back to haunt you.
(And one of the best things you can do for a dog with a poop explosion is give him RICE. That will help settle things down in the tummy zone and firm things up in the poop zone. And yes, those ARE medical terms.)
A writer friend of mine had an incident recently with her cat Spainy. Spainy was quite perturbed at the lack of litter in her box and made a dramatic statement. As Cherie described it, Spainy made a treasure map all over the house… with poop. She also compared the disaster to those colored lines on the floor at the hospital that help guide you which way to go. But all these lines lead straight to more poop.
Man oh man did I have a hearty laugh at Cherie’s distress!
And back when I was in college, I got a call from my mother telling me that my little sissy Becca had been sick in the upstairs hallway. Not only did she poop, she pooped DOWN THE HEAT VENT! Now that’s talent!
And yes… I laughed long and loud at that story too.
So here’s my own personal poop disaster story for you to laugh at… keep it in mind the next time you have a pet explosion and need to do some damage control. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine!