When a team takes the field for a game of footy they are playing with a goal in mind. The short term goal is to play the best they can and win the game. The long term goal is at the end of the season to hold up the premiership cup for their club. As Christians as we go through life the short term goals might be things we pray about and need to do that day. Do you take time each day to stop and pray about the things that God would have you do that day? Even as I write this I know that is what I need to do right now.
Okay, back again after a time in prayer and God’s Word. I’ve been reading in Ezekiel and the passages are very confronting about the way God cared for and provided for Israel and yet instead of it drawing her closer to God, Israel turned away and turned to idols. How often do we make checking our emails, reading a novel, even housework or community activities, more important than spending time with God? While there is nothing wrong with any of these things they should never take priority over spending time with the Lord. We won’t know the game plan for the day unless we listen to our coach.
Our coach has a purpose in mind – to conform us to the image of his Son. Are you allowing Him to do this? Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to change you and mold you into the person He wants you to be? Are you focused on the long term goal – the hope we all have as Christians of life eternal with the Lord?
The difference with a footy team is they can try their best and still not get the premiership cup and medallion. For the Christian it is different. We know victory is assured. It has already been won and our ultimate goal assured not because of anything we do or have done but because of what Jesus has done for us. What a blessing that is.
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