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Sound Better on Phone Interviews

Many employers will set up a phone interview before they set up an in-person interview. The way your voice comes across over the phone can result in you getting an in-person interview or not. When you get that important phone call make sure you open your mouth wider as you speak and move your lips more. Many people don’t move their lips enough, which flattens their voice and makes it difficult to pronounce certain words. This makes a bad first impression and could keep you from getting an in-person interview.

Also, make sure there is no noise or distractions during the phone interview as best you can. Shut windows, close doors, and make sure others know you are on an important phone call. If there is noise in the background, the recruiter will be paying attention to that and not you. Noise often makes a phone call less effective and it will be difficult to make a good first impression.

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About Erika Cox

Erika is a freelance writer and writes several articles for an online publisher. She loves writing about health, employment, music, and crime issues. She is also a graduate student studying criminal justice. Visit some of her published articles http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/2624/midwestgirl.html