Every week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review brings you a quick summary of each of the blogs that were posted here in the past seven days. It makes it easier for you to find out about the ones that you might have missed.
The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on June 25, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of NPR’s “Weekend Edition Sunday”. The episode was called “Planes, Patience, and Slightly Kid-Friendlier Security”. This is a good one to listen to for parents who will be traveling by plane with their children this Summer.
Trailers, Instead of Classrooms, For Special Needs Students
A school district in Missouri was conducting the Special Education classes for elementary school students in two trailers, that were located behind the Junior High School. Parents are really upset about this. It is clear that these students are not able to interact with their peers during lunch and recess, and that they are not being included in general education classes at all. The Superintendent has pointed to a limited amount of space and funding.
Fundraiser Results in Service Dog for Lucas
Lucas Appleton is a nine year old boy who has Fredreich’s Ataxia. This is a very rare, progressive, neurological, condition. Over time, the condition will affect his speech, handwriting, and fine motor movements. It doesn’t affect cognitive ability. Lucas requires the use of a walker or a wheelchair. He needed a service dog, but his family could not afford one. A really successful fundraiser solved that problem.
ACA Decision is Great News for Parents!
This week, the Supreme Court decided that the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, is constitutional and will stand. This is great news for parents, especially parents of kids who have special needs. The Affordable Care Act includes a regulation that prohibits health insurance companies from denying coverage to children who have a pre-existing medical condition. It also prohibits insurers from canceling a person’s health insurance coverage if that person requires a lot of expensive medical care.
Help Your Child Cope With Fireworks
Children who have sensory issues, or who have difficult adjusting to days that are not following the expected format, may have problems coping with the Independence Day celebrations. This blog has advice for parents that could help their child cope a little better with the fireworks and parades.
Special Education Funds Not Spent on Special Ed Program
An audit in New York revealed that several companies that employ teachers for children who have special needs decided not to spend funding on the special education programs. Instead, the money went to salaries of the owners, and on items to improve an owner’s vacation home.
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