The Special Needs Blog Week in Review is a great way to quickly catch up on everything that appeared in the Special Needs Blog in the past week. It is a good way to make sure that you haven’t missed anything. You can scan through this list to search for blogs about whatever particular special needs your child happens to have.
The Special Needs Podcast Roundup for the week went up on February 13, 2012.
I would like to point out an episode done by The Coffee Klatch that is titled “NY Times Op Ed Gone Wrong – Ritalin Gone Wrong”. The host discusses this controversial opinion piece with Dr. Charles Parker.
Six Year Old with Cancer Gets “Date” With Justin Bieber
Avalanna Routh is six years old, and has a rare form of brain cancer called AT/RT. She is a big fan of Justin Bieber. The two were able to meet on Valentine’s Day and have a “date”. They spent time playing the Candyland board game, signing their names on each other’s hands, and giving each other a kiss on the cheek.
Why “Ritalin Gone Wrong” is Controversial
I discuss the comments made by L. Alan Sroufe, who is an emeritus of psychology at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development. He wrote an opinion piece called “Ritalin Gone Wrong” that appeared in the New York Times. In that article, he said that ADHD medications do not really work, and that the cause of ADHD is due to bad parenting. It is no wonder that his words have angered parents, educators, and psychologists!
Hospital Apologizes to Mia’s Family
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has issued a statement of apology to the parents of Amelia “Mia” Rivera. The hospital regrets the way that things were communicated to Mia’s family by one of their doctors. Mia’s family also were able to issue a statement, that basically said that, despite the unfortunate choice of words by a CHOP doctor, they hold the hospital in high regard, and are pleased with the care their daughter has received. This does not necessarily mean that the hospital is going to do the kidney transplant that Mia needs.
Newborns With Heart Surgery
Two newborns, both from California, and unrelated to each other, each required heart surgery shortly after they were born. One baby had her heart rebuilt by surgeons when she was five days old. Another baby had a tiny pacemaker surgically attached to her heart fifteen minutes after she was born.
How Video Games Can Help Kids With Special Needs
Video games are not just a waste of time! There are now controllers that have been adapted so that people with disabilities can use them. Specialized video games have been created to help kids with cystic fibrosis do their respiratory therapy, or to help burn victims with pain management. World of Warcraft has been used in classrooms to help teach social skills.
Image by Dan Moyle on Flickr