This week’s Special Needs Podcast Roundup includes a variety of informative podcasts. There are episodes about resources that help learning disabilities, differences between ADD and ADHD, a personal view of parenting a child who has autism, addiction to video games, depression, and more!
The Coffee Klatch has an episode that was released on August 3, 2011. The episode is called “Diane Kissner – Language Based Learning Disabilities”. The episode features an interview with Diane Kissner, who is the director of Out Placement at the Windward School. She discusses specific educational programs that help kids with language based learning disabilities.
Drew Alikakos M.S. has a podcast episode that talks about the differences between ADHD and ADD. It also discusses how to tell if your child has one of them.
Special Kid School Talk has an episode that was released on August 5, 2011. This episode is called “Disarm Autism and Love Your Child”. Host Dr. Kari has guest Adelaide Zindler, (from “Home Office Mommy”). She shares her story about what it is like to be a parent who has ADHD that is raising a child that has autism.
Special Kid School Talk also released an episode on August 7, 2011. This episode is called “Solutions to Cyber and Gaming Addiction”. Host Dr. Kari talks with Chris Mulligan of the Cyber Addiction and Recovery Center. Are you unsure if your child’s interest in video games is an addiction? This episode can give you some information about how to tell.
Family Health has an episode that was released sometime in August of 2011. It is called “DNA region linked to depression”. This episode talks about the discoveries of researchers from two different institutions that each discovered a DNA area that is related to depression. This means it could run in families. My opinion is that this episode would have good information for parents of teenagers who are depressed, or for parents of kids with special needs who are experiencing depression.
PBS NewsHour did a series called “Autism Now” earlier this year. Technically, this isn’t a podcast. The television episodes are still available to be viewed from the PBS website. Parents of children who have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder should watch this series.
The Whole Child Podcast released an episode on August 3, 2011. This episode is called “Inclusive Learning: Meeting Each Student’s Special Needs”. The episode focuses on how to create inclusive learning environments that will develop students at all levels.
Guests include Timothy Shriver, (chairman and CEO of Special Olympics), Evan Heller (Special Olympics coach and a member of the Special Olympics Youth Activation Committee), and Latoya Dean, (a doctoral student at the University of North Texas in the Leadership for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Program).
Image by Colleen AF Venable on Flickr