It is time for the Special Needs Podcast Roundup! One of the great things about podcasts is that you can listen to them while working on another task, (like washing dishes, or folding laundry). This gives busy parents of special needs children an opportunity to keep up to date with news that relates to a variety of special needs.
The Coffee Klatch released a new episode on February 8, 2012. This episode is called “NY Times Op Ed Gone Wrong – Ritalin Gone Wrong”.
In this episode, Dr. Charles Parker, the author of “ADHD Medication Rules” joins host Marianne. They discuss a controversial op ed piece that appeared in the New York Times that was called “Ritalin Gone Wrong”. The piece said that the root cause of ADHD was poor parenting. This, of course, has outraged many parents and clinicians.
BBC has an episode of Medical Matters that was released on February 7, 2012. This episode is called “Inside Health: Gout”. In addition to gout, this episode discusses gluten intolerance.
Mayo Clinic has an episode of Medical Edge Radio that is called “Epilepsy Defined”. In this episode, Mayo Clinic Dr. Fred Meyer points out that having a seizure does not automatically mean that a person has epilepsy. This episode was released on February 8, 2012.
Mayo Clinic also has an episode of Medical Edge Radio that was released on February 8, 2012. Mayo Clinic Dr. Elizabeth Lorenz describes a rare condition called Alport Syndrome. People who have this disorder experience progressive loss of kidney function.
NPR has an episode of “All Things Considered” that was released on February 12, 2012. This episode is called “Virtual Penguins A Prescription For Pain?” Researchers have created a virtual reality game that is called “SnowWorld”. The frozen environment is helping burn victims take their minds away from their pain, (even when the painkiller medications no longer will).
Special Storm Radio has a two part episode that was released on January 22, 2011. The episode is called “Christine on Autism and Sophie’s Promise”.
In this two part episode, Christine talks about her journey with her daughter, Sophie, who has autism. She also talks about her fundraiser organization, called “Sophie’s Promise”, which raises money for iPads for children who need them in order to communicate.
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