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Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of July 2, 2012

microphone Every week, the Special Needs Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics that parents of children who have special needs would find relevant. Subjects can range from a particular special need, to special education, and more!

The Coffee Klatch released a new episode on July 1, 2012. This episode is called “The Best of The Coffee Klatch – Sensory Processing Disorder”. This episode features Dr. Lucy Miller, the founder of Sensory Processing Disorder foundation. She is also the author of “Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder”.

It also features Carol Kranowitz, the author of “The Out of Sync Child”, and “Growing an Insync Child”. They are joined by another guest, author Hartley Steiner, who wrote “Gabrielle Making Sense of School”. The guests, with host Marianne Russo, discuss some recent misrepresentations of Sensory Processing Disorder.

Hold the Gluten released episode number 55 on June 28, 2012. This episode is called “Gluten-Free Expos Galore”. The hosts talk about the DC Gluten-Free Expo, and gluten-free options at Fogo de Chao. They discuss the gluten-free options at Fancy Foods Expo East. Probios Pasta is coming to the United States. They also talk about gluten free Doritos, and the new Apple Cinnamon Chex cereal.

The Inclusive Class Podcast released a new episode on June 29, 2012. This episode is called “ADHD in the Inclusive Classroom”. Hosts Nicole Eredics and Terri Mauro interview Sandra Reif, M.A. About how to successfully reach and teach students who have ADHD. Sandra Reif, M.A., is one of today’s leading speakers, authors, and consultants about how to reach kids with learning, attention, and behavorial difficulties. She uses practical, positive strategies and interventions.

Michael Savage recently mentioned Supreme Court Justice John Roberts on his radio program. In this episode, Savage said that Roberts’ epilepsy medication affects his cognition. He claims that medication for epilepsy can introduce mental slowing, forgetfulness, and other cognitive problems.

One can assume that Mr. Savage is saying this because he did not like the way that Justice Roberts voted on the Affordable Care Act. However, his words about epileptic medication causing cognitive problems could be giving people the mistaken impression that children and adults who have epilepsy have a cognitive disability. This simply isn’t true!

PBS NewsHour released an episode on June 26, 2012. This episode is called “In Texas Schools, Parents Cited for Students’ Misbehavior”. This episode talks about the system that Texas public schools are using in regards to truancy and behavior violations. Texas Appleseed released a report that showed that special needs students, and minorities, are disproportionately ticketed.

Image by West McGowan on Flickr