Every week, the Special Needs Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics that are relevant to parents of children who have special needs. The subjects could be about autism, ADHD, allergies, special education, stories in the news, and more!
Raising Arizona Kids released an episode called “Arturo Gonzalez, M.D.: Treating Patients As Family”. He is a pediatrician in Scottsdale, Arizona, and was the board president of the Arizona Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He talks about barriers to pediatric health care, and more!
BBC released an episode of “Medical Matters” on May 29, 2012. This episode is called “Athletes with learning disabilities in the Paralympics; Conflict & diversity; Debate on vaccine for depression?” This episode talks about the participation of athletes with learning disabilities in the Paralympics, and also discusses if it might be possible to vaccinate against depression.
The Coffee Klatch released an episode on June 3, 2012. This episode is called “Best of The Coffee Klatch – Dr Russell Barkley – ADHD”. This episode features Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., who is an internationally recognized authority on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He is joined by special co-host Laura Rolands, who is the ADHD Coach. They discuss ways to treat this common disorder.
Special Chronicles released an episode on June 2, 2012. This episode is called “SCP38: Meet SO Athlete Sam Smetko”. This episode features the audio of a multimedia story about Sam Smetko. He is a Special Olympics Athlete on the Southeast Association for Special Parks and Recreation (SEASPAR) Swim Team. Host Dan and Sam also talk about other topics that relate to the Special Olympics Illinois, (and a few topics that don’t relate but are interesting).
Hold the Gluten released episode number 54 on May 31, 2012. This episode is called “Pizza Pizza!” This episode marks the fourth birthday of the Hold the Gluten podcast. Other topics include: a discussion with Blair Raber, of the Celiac Disease Program at the Children’s National Medical Center about the psychologial impact of diagnosis, host Vanessa’s trip to Italy gluten free food options, and gluten-free pizzas from Domino’s and Chuck E. Cheese.
Hope Saves the Day released episode number 121 on June 4, 2012. This episode is called “Interview With Stuart Chaifetz”. This episode features an interview with Stuart Chaifetz, the father who put a recording device into his son’s pocket to find out what what happening in his classroom. He learned that his sone Akian, who has autism, was being bullied by his teachers.
Image by David Scott on Flickr