The brand new school year has started, and there are a lot of podcast episodes that discuss topics related to schools, learning, budget cutbacks, and stress. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup gives you an easy to use list of podcasts that are new, interesting, and relevant to parents of kids who have special needs.
NPR has an episode of Morning Edition that was released on August 29, 2011. In this episode, there is a discussion about a study that finds that the concept of being a visual or auditory learner is not evidence based.
Parents Plate has an episode that was released on August 30, 2011. This episode is titled: “The Struggling Learner”. Guest Carol Barnier gives parents some tips to help their child who is a struggling learner. Her book is called “The Big WHAT NOW Book of Learning Styles”.
Family Life has an episode that was released on September 1, 2011. This episode is titled: “Budget Cuts Increasingly Painful”.
In this episode, Dr. Kerr and Cecil Van Houten talk about the deepening cuts to the budgets of public schools. In some cases, it is resulting in larger class sizes, and extra fees for kids that want to play sports. Although this episode doesn’t specifically address Special Education, it can give parents of kids with special needs a glimpse into potential, unexpected, fees that they may end up paying this school year.
Family Health Radio has an episode that was released in September of 2011. The episode is called “School should not be a pain in the back”. This episode focuses on heavy backpacks, and the aches and pains that your child could be experiencing as a result of carrying it.
Parents of kids who have special needs might not be aware that their child is in pain from his or her backpack, especially if your child is non-verbal or if your child has difficulties with communication. It is something to think about.
Parents Journal has an episode that was released on September 5, 2011. The topic of this episode is: Getting children (emotionally) prepared for an upcoming surgery”. The guest for this show is Dr. Bernadine Healy, who is the Health Editor for U.S. News and World Report.
The Coffee Klatch has an episode that was released on August 31, 2011. This episode is called “Dr. Cheryl Arutt – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. Dr. Cheryl Arutt is a clinical and forensic psychologist. She has worked with people who are victims of violent crime and sexual abuse. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is something that can effect children, (as well as adults). She talks about how to cope with PTSD.
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